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The Translation Area


The translation area displays all translation texts that exist for all products. It combines texts from:

  • Each products text module
  • Each products property module
  • Each products property value in the property module.

The translation area allows the user to edit all texts in one place instead of going to different products and different modules. It is also a good way to get an overview of all texts in the system.

To open the translation area click on the TRANSLATION link in the top menu

The Translation area looks like the image below

  1. From language, select the language you want to translate from. This will give you a clue what the text is in the selected language and make it easier to translate to the selected to language (2)
  2. To language, Select the language you want to edit this will set the texts in (6)
  3. Filter:
    • All: Displays all texts for all products
    • Untranslated: Displays texts for all products that has a text in the from language but not in the to language
  4. Product status:
    • All: Texts from all products
    • Active: Texts from all products that are not retired
    • Retired: Texts from all retired products
  5. Buttons to export and import from/to excel
  6. The to language text. Clicking on the text will allow you to edit it
  7. The key used internally by Promaster to identify the text. The prefix of the key tells you where the text comes from:
    • Prefix: p_ means it is a property on the product
    • Prefix: pv_ means it is a property value on the product
    • No prefix means it comes from the texts module for the product.

Excel Export

Select from and to language you want together with the filters that are needed and press the export to excel button:

The export will check that there are no duplicate keys or other problems with texts that could cause errors when the file is imported. If there are errors Promaster will warn you with information similar to the image below:

If you get errors in the export you can choose to:

  • Cancel: Will send you back to the translation Area
  • Continue: An export will be created but the rows with errors will not be included
  • Revalidate: If you have fixed the issues you can press revalidate to retry the export
  • Export errors: Exports the error list to excel so you can have an overview when correcting them

If no errors are found you will get the excel file with the contents you saw on the screen.

Editing Exported Excel

When you have exported texts to an excel file you can use it to translate the texts. It is important to note that the format and headers of the exported file may not be changed. The only column you should edit is the one next to the comment column. The column that has the selected to language as heading.

Changes to other columns will be ignored or cause errors when importing.

Excel Import

When you are done editing the excel file it can be imported to Promaster. Click the import button: above the table and select the excel file to import. If there are no errors the file will be imported and the texts updated. If the file contains problems you will be warned:

If there are errors you can continue with the import but the rows displayed in the error list will be skipped. Errors like this can occur when

  • The excel file contains duplicates added by the user
  • The excel file contains a text that has been removed in Promaster.This is often the case when a long time passes between the export and import of the file since many users continuously update data directly in Promaster.

When importing files into translation it is important to:

  • Select from and to language so that it matches that in the excel file.
  • After import, download the result file to see if there are any error messages.